115/365 : Much Accomplished

This picture is to show two things. 1) The unpacked bookshelf is no longer laying in the floor and 2) It has been unpacked, assembled and can also be seen in this photo.

I had two choices today. I could choose to spend my day off laying on the couch watching TV and pretty much just relaxing... or I could buckle down and get some stuff done around this house. I chose the later and I must say I feel very accomplished.

The last bookshelf is up and all of my craft and book boxes have been completely emptied out and broken down. The only two boxes in our house that have not been unpacked are ones that are full of picture frames and paintings and I will be putting up next weekend.

I have to honestly say I am so proud of myself! I could have done nothing but I am so glad I did not. It helped that I had my iPod blaring the Mama Mia soundtrack over and over and over...

I have to work tomorrow and while I am doing that Andy is going to Liverpool to visit his Nan with his dad. Then on Sunday I am having myself the relaxing day! I seriously do not have any plans except for watching the Liverpool v. Everton match and I'll either be doing that from the comfort of my own couch or from the comfort of Andy's dad's couch. But either way it will be nice.

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