Having lived for 3 years and 9 months (not that I was counting) in Texas, Cinco De Mayo was a huge celebration! Here in the UK... yep you guessed it... nothing. Not even the people at work knew what I was talking about. Well for those of you not in the know here is a little background on the Mexican celebration that has actually become a larger celebration in the US then in Mexico.
Cinco De Mayo
Andy and I went to go see two movies tonight. First it was 'Wolverine' which was GREAT and then we saw 'I Love You Man' which was very funny. I love that we get to go see so many movies and that Cineworld pass that we have is well worth it. Just noticed tonight that a movie is £6.50 to see! That is crazy money. Our Cineworld pass is only £13.50 a month and you can go see as many movies as you want as many times as you want. We would not be going if he were having to pay full price that is for sure.
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