264/365 : Escar... Gross!

I have noticed something since we moved here. There are a heck of a lot of snails and slugs that come out at night!

I do not want to harm these little guys but let me tell you what... they creep me out!

Andy and I went to see the new Transformers movie today and when we got home we wanted to use the BBQ. After I took the cover off I was greeted by this little guy, well I should say big guy cause he is big. He had climbed up the side of the BBQ and was waiting for me next to the on/off knob. Needless to say I gave a little girl yelp when I saw him. I ran inside and made Andy go out to move him off. He went out armed with newspaper and placed him over by the back gate.

If you click on the picture to see the larger image you will see all of the shiny slime the little guy has left behind him as he has moved across the grass. Eeewwwwwww...

I never remember this many snails and slugs being in Illinois or Texas. Must be all of the rain they get here, at least this is my theory.

Transformers was really good by the way! It was a little long and probably could have been shortened just a tad but in the end it was well worth a watch. Still liked the first one better but glad we went to go see it. While we were there we saw that advance tickets were about to go on sale for the next HarryPotter movie... can not wait for that. Hopefully we will be able to go to the advance screening, will have to see what shift I am working that week.

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Sunset: 9:43 PM

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snowelf said...

Ugh--I remember when we moved into our house in SC, that there were just slugs all over the place! Nasty! I think snails are cute, but their slime is just gross!!


Iota said...

You're right - they are not the most pleasant aspect of English life.

I've just discovered your blog (from She's not from Yorkshire), and am enjoying back-browsing. Great photos.

Peacefulyorkshire said...

hiya Christine!
Your post as very familiar. I am coming to grips with snails too as I am gardening for the first time in my life here in the UK...! I have my English boyfriend do the same thing... he chucks them snails right over the garden wall! I swear though they just keep crawling back...;)

The New Mrs. C said...

So Monday I gardened, and saw TONS of snails in the hedges, and the biggest slug I've ever seen I accidentally flung into the yard. I yelled out of horror, and my mother in law came out and moved it out of the yard for me...lol.

The WHOLE TIME I thought of you...just had to share!