354/365 : Watch While You Walk

Andy and I bought this TV at Tesco and it was surprising low priced! We have it in the dining room/kitchen and we use it while we are on the treadmill.

It is HD, has built in Freeview, a built in DVD player and if you look at the base there it has an iPod dock. Workouts have never been so fun!

I realized earlier today that it is September 19th... my last day at work with the City of Arlington in Texas was one year ago today. It does not seem like it has already been a year, that was fast!

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Sunrise: 6:51 AM
Sunset: 7:16 PM

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Mrs Barker said...

Do you mind me asking how much that tv was? DH and I are looking for an affordable little telly to replace the one we currently have in our bedroom. Would love one with all those extra features built in!

The New Mrs. C said...

Dude, that telly rocks my face off! lol

Was it expensive?

snowelf said...

I love to watch TV when I excercise--it's a great distraction!

I can't believe it's almost been a year! wow...
