18/365 : No More Pictures Mom

This is Gallagher, or as Andy would say The Trouble Maker. To be honest it is not that he is a trouble maker it's just that he is very needy when it comes to me. When it is time sleep and we turn off the TV and lights it takes him all of about two minutes to hop up into the bed to take his spot by my side. This is where he remains for pretty much the entire night. If I need to turn over I just scoop him up and turn him over with me at which point he will just readjust and go back to sleep.

If Gallagher is wanting some attention and I am busy and have to move him off to the side he responds by going into a corner, standing on his back two legs, reaches up toward the ceiling and starts meowing. He does this until I pat the space beside me to let him know it's okay for him to over to me. Now if I am really busy and do not call him over he moves on to knocking things off of our night stands, dresser and or bookshelves. Really whatever he can get to first.

I do not see this as being a 'Trouble Maker' I just see it as a cat that really loves his mom. : ) At least that is what I like to tell myself, it is easier then thinking that I have raised the most selfish and needy cat in the history of all cats.

Gallagher was a very funny kitten as we thought at the time he was a narcoleptic kitty. We have picture after picture of him playing like crazy and then in the next shot it would appear that he had fallen asleep, the other kittens around him would still be playing but he would be asleep. He seems to have outgrown it now but it was quite funny back then. Below are two pictures of him as a kitten and I swear taken within a couple of minutes of each other. See what I mean? Playful .. and then .. sound asleep.

Can anybody guess where he got his name from? I had the pleasure of naming him and he is named after ... The Gallagher brothers from the band Oasis. Which to be honest is very fitting as they are also pretty selfish and are trouble makers! And most of the time I am saying "No Gallagher" which sounds pretty much like Noel Gallagher anyway!

Oh and as a follow up to yesterday's blog... The decaf tea is disgusting and I will not be drinking it! I have come up with a new plan. I will just drink tons and tons of tea and my body will just get used to the caffeine to the point of having no effect on me. That is a much better plan.

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snowelf said...

I like that plan! It's a great plan! :D

How adorable is Gallagher!! That pic of him asleep is too funny! And the Oasis reference....so true. (For some reason even with them being rotten boys I like their music anyway.) :P


Meg said...

Oh, I can't wait till my girls are here and I can plaster them everywhere, hehe. What a cute baby he was. I'll find some baby pics of Myst. Haha.

Kim said...

Whoa...someone who has a cat more co-dependent than mine! Wes thinks I'm bullied by my cat. Yeah, probably!