Andy, Gallagher, Rooney, Pazzesca and myself were preparing to board the BMI flight that would bring us to our new home. It was after this flight that I received the above stamp in my passport and it was that day that I started my 365 blog.
I can't believe it has already been a year!
What can I say? I have of course missed my friends and family over the last year but other than that I have very much enjoyed this last year.
I know this is short and sweet but can only really say... I love my new home and bring on the next year!
Oh and do not fear... the blog will continue.
High: 59°
Low: 50°
Forecast: Rain
Sunrise: 7:10 AM
Sunset: 6:49 PM
365/365 : This Time Last Year...
364/365 : Road Works Suck!
For about a week or so there has been road works taking place down Church Street. Unfortunately we live on Church Street and there is not really another way to go to and get home from work.
This is what our drive home normally looks like now... and trust me it is not fast moving.
High: 58°
Low: 49°
Forecast: Afternoon Rain
Sunrise: 7:08 AM
Sunset: 6:51 PM
363/365 : Still Flying High
I got this balloon at my birthday party at work 18 days ago and it is still flying high! I don't think I have ever seen a helium balloon last this long. I am keeping it around just so I can see how long it sticks around.
Also, on another note, I can't believe I have almost completed my 365. I started it the day we landed in England and now I am only two days away from being here a year. Wow! It does not seem like a year already.
But don't worry... My 365 will be continuing. I have enjoyed it and am looking forward to seeing what year two has in store!
High: 57°
Low: 52°
Forecast: Times of Clouds and Sun
Sunrise: 7:07 AM
Sunset: 6:54 PM
362/365 : Spot The Difference?
I ran out of White Aida so I had to go to one and only large craft store that I know of in England, Hobby Craft, and buy some more.
There were something like 2-3 different brands and I bought the best one I could find in 14 count. Well... when I got home and had a proper look at it I am very disappointed!
The one on the left is the UK Aida and the one on the right is a scrap I have left of the Charles Craft Aida from the US.
Look how big the holes are on the on the left! I mean you can drive a truck through those things... I did give it a shot though just to show I tried to use it but it is horrible! There is not enough weave on it and even when you put your thread behind to start off you can see the color through on the other side. And because the holes are SO big the pattern does not seem to come together correctly.
I feel so sorry for the people of England... this is some crap Aida folks!
Luckily I found a UK based website that has Charles Craft Aida for sale and I have ordered five 15" x 18" pieces of 14 count white so that I can finish my project. I have bookmarked the site and I will be buying from them from now on... I can't deal with this other stuff.
England crafters wouldn't know what hit them to have a proper crafts store like Hobby Lobby or Michaels!
Anybody who cross stitches in the UK and wants to buy the BEST Aida that is made, Charles Craft, then I would suggest buying it from this site: K@tZ XStitch The prices are excellent and they ship the next day! They even have DMC Floss really cheap! We all remember that at Hobby Craft it is .79 for one color! On this site they are .32 for one color and it gets cheaper the more you buy!
High: 58°
Low: 49°
Forecast: Cloudy
Sunrise: 7:05 AM
Sunset: 6:56 PM
361/365 : Put Your Tongue Back In!
360/365 : Argos
I wanted to get a bookcase for the dining room to put in front of the treadmill to put the TV on. I was looking around at places like Ikea but they were way too expensive. I found a perfect sized one for £17 online at Argos last night so I reserved it for pick up today.
This store is fantastic. You go in and there are a few rows where there catalogues are found. You flip through them and make a note of the item number, or like I did you can reserve online and skip this part. You then go over to Section Two which is payment and you get your receipt and your order number. You then go over to Section Three which is collection.
Somebody from the back brings the item up to the front, they call your number and you collect it.
They don't have to man people in the front to help customers, clean aisles or watch for shoplifters as everything is in the back. This is genius.
High: 56°
Low: 44°
Forecast: Partly Sunny
Sunrise: 7:01 AM
Sunset: 7:01 PM
359/365 : Thanks Sulema!!
When we got home today there was a missed package slip so Andy went down to the Post Office to find a box for me. My friend Sulema from the US sent me all of this wonderful stuff for my Birthday! Andy and I had stopped by Tesco to buy stuff to make chilli and I was so excited to get more Fritos to go with it!
Thanks Sulema!!
High: 53°
Low: 52°
Forecast: Low Clouds
Sunrise: 6:59 AM
Sunset: 7:04 PM
358/365 : I Passed!!
Long story short... I passed!
Well obviously I can't just leave it at that but I am very happy that I passed and very happy that it is over! Here is a bit more about getting a license in the UK for those of you who do not know how difficult it is.
The day started at 8:00am instead of 9:00am so that I could get a bit more time before my test. I went out for an hour by myself with the head honcho and practiced my bay parking and roundabouts. We also threw in a couple emergency stops but they said since I was taking my test in an automatic they have never known somebody to be asked to do one when not in a manual.
We then went back to the B & B, Andy and I had breakfast and then I was off with my instructor and London Boy. I drove from Blackpool to Preston (around 30 or so minutes) and drove around some of the possible routes I might be taken on.
Then... it was London Boys turn for a awhile. He did not get any better overnight!
I took over driving around 45 minutes before my test and we made our way to the test center. The examiner came in and called my name. I showed him my Provisional License, the paper counterpart and my Theory Pass Certificate.
We went outside and he had me read a license plate from pretty far off. You then get asked two Show Me Tell Me questions. Mine were:
1) Tell me, How would you check your brakes prior to the start of your journey?
2) Show me, How would you check your indicators are working correctly?
I answered both of them correctly and I was told to get into the vehicle, make myself comfortable and set off when ready.
I was SO nervous!!
Everything was going fine and then around 10 or so minutes into the drive the road took a sharp turn to the right but there was also a street going straight and for whatever reason I followed the street straight. He pointed out that the road actually turned to the right and that I should have followed it but it was okay to continue going straight and to turn to the right at the end of the road.
I was mortified that I had already messed up! I laughed and asked him if I could get away with it by saying I was taking him the scenic route and that he might like this way better and take his future drivers this way instead now. He laughed back and from them on we just carried on a conversation with each other. We talked about the differences between the US and the UK driving tests, why I was living in the England, football, etc...
My first manoeuvre was a reverse around the corner. I did not hit the curb (thank goodness) but I was a bit too far away from it to be honest.
We drove around for a little bit more and then I could tell where we were (from the previous driving practice that day) and knew we were heading back to the test center. Now this made me WAY nervous because I knew he had only asked me to do one manoeuvre and I had been told by my instructor earlier that if you only do one they usually have you come back to the test center and bay park as the second. I was horrified by this thought because bay parking is my worst manoeuvre and I did not want to fail after everything seemed to be going okay. Thankfully as we drove up to the center he pointed out that the parking area was too crowded and asked me to drive ahead on the road and we would just do a turn in the road. YES!!!! The turn in the road is my favorite and the road was way big enough so I knew I was good on this last bit.
We pulled up just shy of the entrance into the test center and he told me to secure the car and make myself comfortable. He then said that he was going to pass me and I actually gave a squeal of excitement! He told me I had only made 3 faults and pointed them out:
1) Road Markings: For not following the road when it went around to the right
2) Positioning: From a stop light I had pulled into a two lane road but stayed in the right hand lane for a bit too long before moving over to the left.
3) Reverse Around The Corner / Control: I was a bit too far from the curb.
All I can say is *whew* I am so glad it is over!
London Boy drove us back to Blackpool and the whole time I thought I was going to die and never get to use my UK License!
When I got back to the B & B Andy of course congratulated me and then pointed out that there were still tickets for the Hull v Everton Carling Cup match. See... we really wanted to go to this match but with it being in Hull and my Practical would have been on Thursday and we thought I needed a good rest the night before. But now that my test is over and done with... lets go!
So I quickly changed into my Everton kit and away we went. Blackpool and Hull are around 138 miles from each other. The drive was wonderful, we got to go through some beautiful countryside. Unfortunately my camera had a dead battery and I only had my iPhone, as good as a phone it is... the camera is not so great but here is a picture from the impromptu road trip.
We made it to Hull at around 7:10pm and kick off was at 7:45pm. We bought a ticket at the turnstile and made our way to our seats. The match was fantastic and Everton won 4-0!
So... I got my UK License and got to see Everton win 4-0... What a great day!!
High: 60°
Low: 45°
Forecast: Partly Sunny
Sunrise: 6:58 AM
Sunset: 7:06 PM
357/365 : A Bit Too Advanced
Where do I start...
Today we were to meet our instructors downstairs after breakfast at 9:00am however today somebody else had joined the group that was also learning on an automatic so we were partnered up. To protect the innocent we shall call him 'London Boy'. He was in fact from London however I should have known something was up when I saw him in a Liverpool FC kit!
I was quite excited actually as he was to drive first so I could sit in the back and study a bit more for my Theory Test which was scheduled for around 1:00pm that afternoon.
Oh my goodness!!
I honestly thought I was going to die with this guy behind the wheel.
He had wanted to take the test in an automatic because he says he took previous lessons in a manual and failed his test because of the gears. Well I will tell you right now that he did not fail just because of his clutch control, this man was the worst driver I have ever witnessed!
He could not even drive in a straight line. The instructor had to jerk the wheel away from parked cars at least 10 times in two hours, he ran up on the curb twice, almost hit a lady getting out of her car and never braked when making a turn. He could not ease on the gas or the brake, he was very harsh on the peddles. I had my seat belt on in the back seat and at one point he braked so sharply that it dug into the side of my neck!
All of the above happened in a very quiet industrial area and I was scared enough... but then the instructor let him go out into traffic and it was even worse! He would slam on the gas and speed up if somebody tried to overtake him, he always stayed about an inch away from parked cars and the side of the road. Oh... and he stops in the MIDDLE of roundabouts! One of the worst things was when we were at a stop light and the two lanes were going to merge into one shortly after the lights. Well he decided to slam on the gas and then cut in front of the truck next to us. The instructor was just staring at him in disbelief and what did 'London Boy' say? He said "You are looking at me as if to say that move was a bit too advanced". This guy was the biggest tool I have met!
I swear I thought I was going to die.
When it was my time to drive he started complaining that I got to drive. The instructor explained that it is normally 3 hours each and while you are in the back seat you still learning because you are watching and listening what is going on. But he was having none of it. He complained the entire time and it was quite hard for me to concentrate.
Needless to say I finally made it to the Theory Test center and took my tests. On the Theory questions I got 47 out of 50 right (the pass mark is 43) and on the Hazard Perception I got 53 out of 75 (the pass mark is 44). I was SO happy to have passed... now back out for more driving.
London Boy drove for about another hour and yet again complained when it was my turn. Then the instructor got a call from the head honcho guy. Next thing I know they are asking me if I would feel comfortable taking my Practical Driving test tomorrow (Wednesday) instead of Thursday?!? They said a space opened up at the Preston test center and that they get really good results from there and that they both think I am ready... So I said yes. Yikes!
After we got back to the B & B the head honcho guy came and got me and asked if we could go do a mock test so that he could point out what I needed to work on the next day before my test. Well... he had me do all 4 manoeuvres (instead of just 2 of them as they would on the real test) and I did great on them all however I FAILED the mock test because I cut into the right lane when going straight on a roundabout, that is dangerous driving and would be a fail. *ugh*
He said basically I am doing really well I just need to practice my Bay Parking a bit more and roundabouts.
I am way nervous!!
High: 62°
Low: 49°
Forecast: Partly Sunny
Sunrise: 6:56 AM
Sunset: 7:09 PM
356/365 : Mirrors, Mirrors, Mirrors...
So today it started... My driving instructor, Dave, picked me up at the B&B at 9:00am. He drove us out to a quiet area and I took the driver's seat.
We drove around for around 4 hours. What did I learn today? I have some bad driving habits.
I do not check my mirrors enough and I cross my hands when making a sharp turn. Apparently in the UK you MUST check your mirrors before you do anything at all. I understand checking them before you turn, etc.. but if you want to say turn left the order is: Check left mirror, check rear view mirror, turn on the left indicator and then make your turn. You are expected to check your mirror before you turn on your signal! How crazy is that? Before you apply your brakes, before you accelerate, etc..
This is going to be tough.
At 4:30pm all of the people on the course met in the breakfast area downstairs for a crash Theory Test study session. We all thought our test would be on Wednesday but we were told they were in fact going to be tomorrow (Tuesday)! WHAT??
After the crash study session I went back to my room, Andy and I ordered a pizza and I studied until around 12:30am.
This is going to be tough.
High: 56°
Low: 49°
Forecast: Partly Sunny
Sunrise: 6:54 AM
Sunset: 7:11 PM
355/365 : A Room With A View
We started out our day by going to Goodison Park to watch Everton beat Blackburn 3-0! YAY!
Then we went back home to pack to get ready to drive about 40 minutes away to Blackpool. This was to be the start of my Intensive Driving course...
We checked into the B&B that is provided as part of the course and when we looked out the window we found that we could see the tip top of Blackpool Tower. Nothing like a room with a view! (Yes I am being funny)
High: 59°
Low: 45°
Forecast: Partly Sunny
Sunrise: 6:52 AM
Sunset: 7:13 PM
354/365 : Watch While You Walk
Andy and I bought this TV at Tesco and it was surprising low priced! We have it in the dining room/kitchen and we use it while we are on the treadmill.
It is HD, has built in Freeview, a built in DVD player and if you look at the base there it has an iPod dock. Workouts have never been so fun!
I realized earlier today that it is September 19th... my last day at work with the City of Arlington in Texas was one year ago today. It does not seem like it has already been a year, that was fast!
High: 62°
Low: 50°
Forecast: Cloudy
Sunrise: 6:51 AM
Sunset: 7:16 PM
353/365 : Changing Colors
I had to work until 8:00pm tonight and finally remembered to take a picture of the tree that is just outside my window. I face the window so I get to see it all day.
I love when the leaves change for two reasons. I love the colors of Fall and I love that it means that it will start getting colder and colder going into Winter. Not that it has exactly been hot... but I would never say no to even colder weather.
Working until 8:00pm is not my favorite shift in the World but I have all of next week off so I wasn't about to let the late shift bother me!
High: 61°
Low: 52°
Forecast: Times of Clouds and Sun
Sunrise: 6:49 AM
Sunset: 7:18 PM
352/365 : Everton 4 - AEK Athens 0
We were back at Goodison Park tonight for a Europa League match against AEK Athens. As you can see in the title it was a great match!
Other than the four goals I have to say that I was really entertained by the AEK Athens supporters. Even when down by four goals their support was awesome. They bounced and sang up until the final whistle.
I didn't record any of their singing as we were across the park from them but somebody in the Park End did record it and I just found it on You Tube. Here is a link so that you can get a taste at what they were doing.
High: 58°
Low: 46°
Forecast: Partly Sunny
Sunrise: 6:47 AM
Sunset: 7:21 PM
351/365 : Jerk
Not that we were in a huge hurry but I absolutely hate it when the person in front of you at a gas station gets in their car and simply sits there. Yes there is a car in front of him but there was plenty of room for him to get out but he just sat there while the car in front filled up, went in and paid and then left. We had to have sat here for a good five minutes when he could have just pulled out.
Normally I would scramble the licence plate as to protect the innocent but he doesn't deserve it.
Also note in the far left... Gas is up to £1.02 a liter which is $1.66. There are four liters in a gallon so that means a gallon of gas right now is $6.64!
High: 59°
Low: 44°
Forecast: Clouds and Sun
Sunrise: 6:45 AM
Sunset: 7:23 PM
350/365 : Sad Scene
I had noticed this morning on the way to work that there were a few flowers and stuffed animals placed here but on the way home from work there are many more.
Something terrible must have happened and it is a very sad scene to drive by.
High: 59°
Low: 47°
Forecast: Times of Clouds and Sun
Sunrise: 6:44 AM
Sunset: 7:26 PM
349/365 : More Paintings
This is Benjamin Bunny, he is a character by Beatrix Potter. This is another painting that we have that Andy's Grandfather gave to him back in 1981. On the back of the frame he hand wrote part of Benjamin Bunny's story. He had painted one of the characters for each of the grandchildren.
I think the picture below is my favorite though. It is done in watercolor and just off to the left of the larger ship you can see the Royal Liver Building which is in Liverpool. That is one of my favorite buildings and I love that it is in this painting. I have talked about this building back on Day 167. I was shocked when we first moved over here because we had saw on the news that they had taken a poll for the ugliest buildings in England and that the Liver Building was voted in the top 10. I have no idea why, I love it!
High: 58°
Low: 45°
Forecast: Clouds and Sun
Sunrise: 6:42 AM
Sunset: 7:28 PM
348/365 : Staircase Photos
Since it took me most of Wednesday to put up our pictures and paintings I figured I would show what I did on our staircase.
These are photos that we took back in 2005 when Andy's Mom and Dad came over to the US and we all went to The Grand Canyon, Arches National Park in Utah, the Four Corners monument, Monument Valley and the Petrified Forest National Park.
The picture in the top left is my favorite! If you click on the picture you will see a little figure standing under the arch. That is Andy!
High: 64°
Low: 46°
Forecast: Sunny To Partly Cloudy
Sunrise: 6:40 AM
Sunset: 7:31 PM
347/365 : Made For Walking
This big guy was delivered yesterday but we just finished putting it all together today. Due to the size and electricity issues we left our treadmill in the States with my Mom. I have missed it so we found this great one on eBay. I won the auction a week or so ago but yesterday was the first day I had off work for when they could deliver it.
Very fancy!
High: 65°
Low: 49°
Forecast: Mostly Sunny
Sunrise: 6:38 AM
Sunset: 7:33 PM
346/365 : Happy Birthday To Me!
So today is my Birthday! I had the day off from work and enjoyed a relaxing day and then we made our way to Manchester so that we could eat at the TGI Friday's that is in The Trafford Center. It was yummy!!
In the above picture you can see Manchester just off in the distance, The Trafford Center domes and Chill Factor. One day I am going to have to try out the Chill Factor place! Indoor snow sking, sledging, snowboarding, Tubing and The Luge. Yes I will have to go there one day!
I also got a package from my mom and it was filled with yummy American things that I have been missing.
Now I am going to have to make some Chilli so that I can fully appreciate the Fritos. It's amazing how much I have missed these little salted corn chips! I am also very excited to have some Lipton Iced Tea.
All in all it was a great Birthday!
High: 65°
Low: 48°
Forecast: Partly Cloudy
Sunrise: 6:37 AM
Sunset: 7:36 PM
345/365 : Celebrations At Work
My birthday is tomorrow but I have the day off from work so they had my birthday celebrations today.
They got me a card, balloon, cake and some lovely Laura Ashley candles and candle holder.
My camera went missing for a good 30 minutes and it was brought back with some pictures from around the office. Here they are all for you to see:
High: 59°
Low: 45°
Forecast: Partly Sunny
Sunrise: 6:35 AM
Sunset: 7:38 PM
344/365 : Work Of Art
After living in this house for 10 months I finally got around to hanging our pictures and paintings.
These two paintings were painted by Andy's Grandfather, Joe McGrae. We have quite a few of them but these two made it into the Living Room. He was a wonderful artist, I wish I could paint like this!
High: 62°
Low: 48°
Forecast: Partly Sunny
Sunrise: 6:33 AM
Sunset: 7:40 PM
343/365 : Popular Person
I am feeling much better today. I got a decongestant yesterday and it seems to have done the trick.
Came home from work today to find not one but two missed parcel notes. I have ordered a couple things lately so I think the one on the left may be my fancy schmancy garlic peeler but I am not sure about the one on the right... It is being delivered by Parcel Force and I think things that are shipped over from the US are delivered by them.
My birthday is this Friday... could it be something from my Mom? I guess I will find out on Friday because Andy and I have taken the day off and since our local post office is only open 9-5 that is the only day I will be able to go over to pick it up. Can't wait to find out what it is...
High: 67°
Low: 48°
Forecast: A Little Rain
Sunrise: 6:31 AM
Sunset: 7:43 PM
342/365 : Sinus Headache
I had to call into work sick today. My coughing and sneezing has finally gone away but I woke up with a terrible sinus headache. My eyes feel like they are bruised and hurt when I move them. *ugh*
I stayed in bed all day and rested. I was able to catch up on all of the US tv shows I watch that I am behind on but with the pain I would have rather felt good and been at work.
You can't really tell in this photo but Rooney must have been cold because he was curled up under the covers with me all day. He is that bump you can just about make out under the covers.
High: 62°
Low: 50°
Forecast: Partly Cloudy
Sunrise: 6:29 AM
Sunset: 7:45 PM
341/365 : Comfy Kitties
I cross stitched all day today! The cats love when I sit up on the bed and do this because they make themselves quite comfortable on my legs and at my feet. They do get a little annoyed when I have to move but oh well they know the downside before they get comfortable.
Still not feeling very good.
High: 62°
Low: 51°
Forecast: Passing Showers
Sunrise: 6:28 AM
Sunset: 7:47 PM
340/365 : Beautiful Day Out
I still feel like crud today and unfortunately I had to go into work for four hours.
I could not resist taking a photo with my iPhone on my way home... it was beautiful out. No I am not being sarcastic I love this weather and would not trade it for the World!
High: 55°
Low: 49°
Forecast: Passing Showers
Sunrise: 6:26 AM
Sunset: 7:50 PM
339/365 : The Stars And Stripes
Paul (the same Paul that brought me Strawberry Laces back on Day 311) drew this for me and put it up on my desk. Even if you forgive the colors, he only had a few highlighters at his desk, look at the flag pole!
I did promptly explain to him that the American flag is always attached with the stars closest to the pole. It did make me laugh.
High: 57°
Low: 50°
Forecast: Passing Showers
Sunrise: 6:24 AM
Sunset: 7:53 PM
338/365 : Seriously... .79!
So after work Andy and I went into Bolton to go to Hobby Craft as I was out of White DMC Floss. I almost had to be picked up off the floor when I saw that for one DMC Floss color it was .79 each! Are you serious? That is $1.29 per color. Again... Are you serious? Back in the US you can pick up a color for something like .25 each. That is like .15 pence over here, not .79!
The only positive out of the situation is that if you see from the picture I have two whites and two blacks but I didn't realize until I took this picture that I was only charged for three in total... score!
I also had to pick up some Plastic Dots for my finger. When I start stitching a lot the needle really starts to hurt my finger because it is constantly pushing the needle thru the Aida Cloth so you put one of these little dots on your finger where the needle hits and it saves a lot of pain. I was shocked to see that 70 of them were £5.99 because again they cost half that in the US.
Thankfully I have had a search on eBay and when it comes to getting DMC Floss it appears that you can get something like 100 of your choice of colors for £20 which would be something like .20 pence each so that is what I will be doing when I need to stock up. No more Hobby Craft unless it is an emergency purchase!
High: 60°
Low: 52°
Forecast: Rain
Sunrise: 6:23 AM
Sunset: 7:55 PM
337/365 : Feeling Sick On a Day Off Sucks!
I have the day off today because this is my week to go in on Saturday. How better to spend my day but with a headache and the sniffles?
I could tell yesterday that I was starting to feel ill. My nose kept running all day at work and last night I was starting to get a pretty bad headache.
I woke up this morning not feeling any better. Thankfully I found this medicine tucked away in the cabinet in the bathroom. Bring on the drugs. At least it doesn't take a lot of energy to sit in bed watching TV and cross stitching.
High: 57°
Low: 52°
Forecast: Periods of Rain
Sunrise: 6:21 AM
Sunset: 7:57 PM
336/365 : Get It Right!
Over here in the UK the main Satellite TV provider is Sky, which is who we have. Every month we get a Sky Magazine that tells us a little bit about what is going to be on TV and what to watch for. There is also a sports guide.
Well tonight I was flipping thru it and I came across this page which says the game to watch on September 26th is Portsmouth v. Everton.
Then I read the article underneath.
"Everton boss David Moyes deservedly won a lot of plaudits last season. Not only did his side finish sixth in the league but they..." Wait a minute back up. Sixth?
Excuse me we finished Fifth in the league.
To some this might not seem like a big deal but in the English Premier League there is what is known as 'The Big Four'. Manchester United, Chelsea, Arsenal and... (ugh) Liverpool. So honestly it is a big thing to finish Fifth! This position is also known as 'The Best of the Rest'.
I will now be off to Sky's website to try to find the complaints procedure. It would not have taken very much for the person writing this to do a little research first or for the editor to spot this mistake before it went to print.
High: 60°
Low: 47°
Forecast: A Little Rain
Sunrise: 6:19 AM
Sunset: 8:00 PM